Nadav Somekh

Full Stack Web Development Services

  • Web Applications Development
  • System/API Architecture and Design
  • eCommerce
  • Custom Web Solutions
  • Minimum Viable Product
  • Founding Engineer
  • Consulting Services
Oakland, Bay area, California


System Architecture and API Design:
Proficient in applying industry-standard architectural patterns to design modular, scalable system architectures and build efficient APIs following REST, HATEOAS, and proven design principles.
Backend Development:
Proficient in Node.js, Express.js, TypeScript, Django, and Monolith to Microservice migrations. In-depth understanding of authentication and authorization strategies (sessions, JWT, OAuth 2.0).
Frontend Development:
Deep understanding of React internals and logic, including Next.js, Tailwind CSS, Material-UI (MUI), and responsive design. Comprehensive understanding of User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI) principles.
Experienced with PostgreSQL, MongoDB. DB migration and seeding strategies.
Cloud, Containerization & DevOps:
High level AWS expertise, Google Cloud Platform (GCP/Firebase), GitHub Workflows. Docker (Compose, Networks, Volumes, etc.) and Git/GitHub.

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